A Gazetteer of Scotland | Start | Help |
Groome's Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland was first published in six volumes in 1882. It quickly established a reputation as the authoritative gazetteer of Scotland, and has been the standard reference to the present day. Although much has changed in Scotland in the last hundred years, the fact remains that no other publication is as comprehensive, accurate and detailed. Volume 6 concluded with a General Survey section of nineteen chapters ranging from geography, agriculture and zoology to history and religion, each chapter written by an authority on its subject.
This Gazetteer of Scotland Web Site contains facsimile images of every page of the six volumes of the 2nd Edition of 1896, including the 1754 pages of text, (the Gazetteer articles and the General Survey), 32 photo-lithographs, 30 county maps and eight fold-out street plans and additional maps. We have also included the 64 plates of Scottish scenes from the First Edition which were printed from hand-engraved plates.
A Search facility has been designed for this Edition enabling any city or town, village or parish, mountain or river, island or loch to be instantly located in the Gazetteer. A specially created Index of Counties links to both the county entries in the Gazetteer and the county maps. Further indexes provide direct links to the Plates, the General Survey articles and the Street Plans and Additional Maps, and there are special indexes to the Edinburgh and Glasgow articles of the Gazetteer.
We have also created a list of parishes for each county. These are accessed from links on the Index of Counties page. For each parish there is a link to its article in the Gazetteer. A further link for each parish enables you to locate the parish on a modern Ordnance Survey map on the Multimap web site.